Corporate conferences and workshops

Along with Elder T8aminik Rankin, Marie-Josée regularly offers lectures and workshops in professional environments, either face-to-face or online. T8aminik and her have extensive experience working with a variety of groups in the public, private and academic sectors.

Indigenous perspectives and wisdom


Awareness of indigenous perspectives and wisdom

This workshop is the most popular in professional circles. From the very first minutes, participants are captivated and deeply touched. This time-out, where we immerse ourselves in the world of the First Nations, enables us to reconnect with ourselves through age-old wisdom. Powerful yet gentle, it raises awareness of the realities of peoples who have lived through the difficulties of colonization, and reveals the richness of a culture eminently relevant to today’s world.

The Anicinape workshop is offered in one-day or half-day sessions. It begins with a powerful exercise: the “circle exercise”. This is followed by T8aminik’s testimony about his time in residential schools and the exceptional process of forgiveness that followed. The circle exercise, combined with T8aminik’s testimony, leaves no one indifferent. It provokes intense reflection on our shared history, the road to reconciliation, and the return to more human values at the heart of our actions.

Leadership and togetherness


Leadership and Togetherness

«My father passed on to me medicine, not power. There’s a big difference. Where I come from, Okima, the true leader, knows that we are all interdependent. Okima doesn’t speak with a political voice. He acts for the common good. He speaks the language of nature.»

This quote from Elder T8aminik sums up the spirit in which he and Marie-Josée teach the various leaders they meet around the world. What is “medicine”? And how can ancient wisdoms inspire tomorrow’s world? In the vision of the First Nations, leadership is not only the prerogative of men. Women have always played a leading role in First Nations communities and organizations. Equal and complementary, women are spokespersons for the Earth and the spirit of the feminine. This is about the power of interiority, listening, silence, reflection and emotional intelligence: assets that the modern world must rediscover in order to regain balance.

Forgiveness and reconciliation

They Called Us Savages

A vibrant testimony to forgiveness and reconciliation

In this conference in connection with the book “They called us Savages”, written by Marie-Josée, Grand-father T8aminik generously opens the book of his brightest and darkest memories. After experiencing the beauty of his ancestors’ nomadic life, then surviving the terrible ordeal of residential schools, he delivers a powerful message of reconciliation. His story sheds light on the notions of acceptance, forgiveness and healing, thanks to the invaluable teachings of the medicine wheel.

A precious testimony in an era when humanity must make a crucial choice between two roads: that of reconnecting with our inner world, or that of self-destruction through a headlong rush into technological development.

Well-being at work

Mino Matisiwin

A philosophy of well-being

The expression Mino Matisiwin refers to well-being and good living in the language of the Anicinapek, the Canadian First Nation formerly known as the Algonquin.

How do we get there ? That’s what Marie-Josée and grandfather T8aminik tell us in this lecture on the foundations of the medicine wheel and the «Seven teachings».

Join them on a journey to the heart of the Canadian boreal forest. Let yourself be lulled by the songs and words of wisdom from a thousand-year-old tradition. A profound yet simple philosophical teaching, to better understand and accept the ups and downs of life; to find harmony with nature and our true nature.

A Plea for Mother-Earth


A plea for Mother Earth

When the Anicinape people speak of the territory they inhabit, they call it Nitakinan, “our land”. However, this translation does not do justice to the concept of Nitakinan, because for the First Nations, the Earth is our mother. She cannot belong to us; we belong to her. When they talk about our intimate interaction with living things, T8aminik and Marie-Josée stress the importance of depolluting ourselves, if we really want to depollute the Earth. Climate change must take place first and foremost in the human heart. This talk will plunge you into the heart of indigenous traditions, with gentleness, humor and important insights.

Testimonials from the workshops of Dominique Rankin and Marie-Josée Tardif

Marie Josée Tardif

“I joined Dominique and Marie-Josée for the last hour of the web conference. I’m overwhelmed with happiness and joy. It’s so beautiful and inspiring! What a beautiful call to life, to self-fulfillment. I feel so privileged and at the same time so small when I look at all I have to aspire to! Thank you for giving us access to such teachings. It was the first time I met them, and I so hope it’s not the last. “

Valérie Lavoie

President and Chief Operating Officer
Desjardins General Insurance Group

Marie Josée Tardif

“The Anicinape workshop exceeded all my expectations. There are no words to describe the experience. As soon as we walked into the room, we were welcomed like family (maybe even better than some families!) and I could feel the air transforming around me. We were no longer where we thought we were. We were where we were meant to be. There was so much energy all around! My tears flowed without restraint from the moment I entered the room, until the moment I left. “

Patricia Falls

Occupational Health and Safety Officer
Canadian Space Agency

Marie Josée Tardif

“We surveyed the members of our Parcours Relève to find out how much they appreciated the program. Once again this year, you are among our participants’ favorites. You’ve made a big impact and been so transformative for all these young leaders. For that, we want to say thank you thank you thank you for being our FRIENDS !”

Michelle Alarie

La Maison des Leaders

Marie Josée Tardif

“”What a beautiful, touching, inspiring and moving conference… I loved it. I had seen reports on the subject before, but not all the human aspects behind the character, the suffering of a people. What an inspiration! The process of mental healing and forgiveness. The way of seeing life’s obstacles, time, work, fellow human beings… Thank you so much for sharing!”

Participant in an online conference

I.A. Financial Groupe

Marie Josée Tardif

“ The links we forge are enriched, and the work we’ll have to do in the Gendarmerie institution will in turn be enriched, in ways we don’t yet realize. Your presence and your contribution are infinitely precious.”

Nicolas Chapard

Psychologist, Gendarmerie nationale – France

Marie Josée Tardif

“Your session was a real success. Your words and messages resonated throughout the week, during the training session you kicked off. Know that you had a great impact on a whole community of human beings! “

Diane Houle-Rutherford, MA

Department of Justice Leadership Program, Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa

Marie Josée Tardif

“We are truly so grateful for your workshop and support on the last Moose Hide Campaign Day. We received a lot of positive feedback and, as always, your teachings and support were the highlight of the day. Thank you so much! “

David Stevenson

Executive Director, Moose Hide Campaign

Marie Josée Tardif

“A great gift of yesterday’s meeting was leading many into their hearts and out of the intellect. You could see it in the energy of the participants and in the exchanges that followed… So precious and necessary! “

Martin Calvé

Intergénérations Québec

Marie Josée Tardif

“Once again, I’d like to thank you so much for coming to do the training this week. The cadets told us this morning that they really appreciated your warmth, your perspective and your honesty. They really enjoyed the session! “

Katherine Robertson

Senior Program Officer
Aboriginal Program Awareness
Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada

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